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Book Event Photos:


June 19th a grand ceremony was held at Mint Restaurant LI New York for the release of Dr Dinker Belle Rai’s book titled “Mechanical Function of  Atrial Diastole -A new Discovery”. Organized by FIPA and AAPI QLi.With the Leadership of Dr Bayani president of FIPA aided by Dr Vinni Jayam president of AAPI Qli , Dr M S Krishna  president of KSMDA , Dr Muthuswamy Chair of Surgery Coney Island Hospital , Dr Bill Lois Chair of Surgery Bronx Lebanon Health Care , Dr Purcell Chair MEC from One Brooklyn Health System and Dr Ashok Shah the invited guest Chair of ENT Sloan Kettering Hospital. A gathering of more than hundred doctors of various specialties.

Dr Rai an internationally recognized vascular surgeon, A pioneer in venous diseases, Has done immense work. Has created new diagnostic and therapeutic surgical procedures. Has patents and catheters in his name. But this book is his lifetime work on the Heart and a breakthrough in the basic physiological function of the Heart and the forces behind the motion of blood in venous circulation. Only preceded 400 years back the discovery of ventricular function of Heart by Sir William Harvey. The findings are based on Canine model of the Heart and experimental data. This completes the physiological function of the Heart and physiology of circulation of blood both in arterial and venous system. His first discovery was the motion of venous valves which is published and because of this he says the function of atrial diastole was thrusted to his consciousness and motivated him relentlessly carry on the experiments.

Dr Bayani said “This is a unique book should be read both by medical and nonmedical people “Dr M S Krishna Recollecting the college days as his classmate spoke very highly of Dr rai’s contribution in various other field like sports, art and Philosophy and this one is his pivotal work and a magnificent contribution to modern medicine in that it will open the door for anew world of research and sky is the limit in possibilities.

Dr Inderjit Singh the past president of Indian urology Assn said that this is page-turner in the modern history of medicine and deserves to be nominated for world recognition organizations by Indian physician groups . We all should be proud that it has come from a fellow Indian . The program ended with a sumptuous lunch served to all guests

Book Event Photos
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